Effect of different salinity levels on some physiological parameters of the blood of juvenile common carp fish Cyprinus carpio L.





Carp, Physiological parameters,, Juvenile, Salinity


The current study was designed to evaluate the effect of different salinity levels on the juveniles of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L). the fishes were acclimatized and fed on commercial fish diet for one week before starting the experiment which lasted for 75 days. Four salinity levels were used as 5 NaCl, 10 NaCl and 15 NaCl PSU in treatment 1, 2 and 3 while the salinity level of control was 2.5 NaCl PSU. Each treatment was replicated thrice with 8 fishes. Other parameters such as sodium ions were significantly higher and the potassium were significantly lower in 5 NaCl, 10 NaCl and 15 NaCl PSU compared to the control Group. While the highest value for total protein and globulin was in salinity 2.5 PSU and the highest value for albumin in salinity (15) PSU, while cholesterol and glucose concentrations were the highest values at salinity 2.5 with regard to enzymes ALT and AST, the highest value were in salinity 15 PSU.




How to Cite

Abdul-Redah, Y. Q., & Nasir, N. A. (2022). Effect of different salinity levels on some physiological parameters of the blood of juvenile common carp fish Cyprinus carpio L. Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Sciences, 37(2), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.58629/mjms.v37i2.312


